a “scary” family film                                                 CZECH - SLOVAK - HUNGARIAN    CO-PRODUCTION 

SUGAR CANDY is a family "scarry" movie. Why scarry?

As the story plot takes place partly in a typical horror setting – AT THE DENTIST'S!

But do not worry, it will also be a thrilling retro-funny story.

The story is set at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. The protagonist of the film is Anna Maria Taussig (29) who is a dentist. Anna inherited a house and a dental office from her uncle Nicholas Taussig on the Austro-Hungarian border in Honeytown. (Honig-Mezes). Her desire is to help people, especially to children. Her main motivation stems from the fact that her mother died after a procedure performed by a local blacksmith, who was the only dental expert in the village of that time. She arrives to take her inheritance over, but on the arrival to Honeytown she faces a shock. Nicholas Taussig gave up his dental practice long ago and dedicated the rest of his life only to paintings and sculptures.

In the house, Anna meets a mysterious old man, Grandpa Planta (80). Planta used to be Nicholas Taussig's gardener. Behind the villa in the garden there is an incredible greenhouse, overflowing with exotic fruits – Chinese gooseberries (kiwi), bananas, tangerines, pineapples, and also mysterious Peruvian plants. Uncle Taussig used to be an enthusiastic traveller in his youth and was bringing the plant seeds from his frequent journeys to South America back home to plant them. However, the miracle with the greenhouse has a simple explanation. There is a hot spring in the garden that heats the greenhouse all year round. The problem, however, is that the spring water smells awfully. And that was also one of the reasons why patients stopped coming to Taussig's dental office. It is widely believed that the spring water comes from hell, the witches have been gathering here ever since and the house is haunted.

However, Ann does not get scared easily. Despite the peripety with the town hall (the dental office must be awarded an official permission to open again), she will restart the dentistry in the house. Granpa Planta mysteriously helps her in her effort (his interventions are called "credible miracles" in the film). But the main movers of the story plot are a bunch of local boys, of whom the leader Jacob (8) is the son of Thomas Muller, a village builder, who is Anna's future suitor (Thomas is a widower). The boys first try to force Anna out from the house (the house is haunted) because in the past Uncle Taussig has allowed them to set up a club-room in the garden and now they are afraid that Anna does not want them to be there and will make them leave the garden. Eventually, however, they become best friends.

But no one attends Anna's dental office, anyway. The reason is that there is a second dentist in Honeytown, dentist Druml. We will soon understand that he is teamed up with Mrs. Schmidt, a teacher, and her brother fabricant Stork, who owns a sugar candy factory. The dental-sugar candy mafia keeps Stork's dental office crowded because the citizens of the town are overweight and have rotten teeth.

After a while, Anna finds out that when she uses an ointment made from Peruvian herbs no dental procedure hurts. It is a miracle, and thanks to that (the scary devils are forgotten) she wins all Druml's patients and they start to attend her dental office. However, this triggers an avalanche of intrigues and traps against her, at the end of which she is almost expelled from the town.

Eventually, Anna and her friends (the boys, Thomas Muller and his farther Dr. Muller) uncover the dental-sugar mafia; the bad guys are caught and rightfully  punished, and the girl can stay in Honeytown. And what a happy ending that would be, if she did not fall in love?

Finally, the water from the hell spring in the garden is also used for good.

And Grandpa Planta? He will stay in the greenhouse. As he is a ….???!!!

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